
Miss girls are learning Macha in the Wisteria festival

26th April 2009, Wisteria festival in Yatomi city Japan. those girls are learning Macha from a teacher. Macha is Ten ceremony: Sado, also called chado or cho no yu, is the traditional etiquette of preparing and drinking tea when one has guests. In sado, special powdered tea. different from ordinary Japanese tea. is chiefly used. the powdered tea ps put into a teacup, hot water is poured on it, it is whipped with a bamboo whisk till it foams and it is drunk.

Miss girls are enjoy the Wisteria festival

26th April 2009, Wisteria festival in Yatomi ctiy Japan. those girls are coming to the Wisteria festival, they have to coming every event in year. so, they will enjoy in every event.

Miss girls are happy in the Wisteria festival

26thApril2009, Wisteria festival in Yatomi city Japan. those girls are very happy in the Wisteria festavl. they were beautiful Kimono. Kimono are generally worn for such occasions as special ceremonies and parties.


Driving in cherry blossom tunnel

5th April 2009, Kisozakikawa bank in Mie Japan: the cherry blossom full flower are very beautiful. many people want to driving through the cherry blossom tunnel, it makes they feel spring and feel wonderful life to begin.

Happy hanami in cherry blossom tunnel

5th April 2009, Kisozakikawa bank in Mie Japna: they were enjoy the hanami in the cherry blossom tunnel. they took many pictures of the cherry flower. the hanami event is very important of Japanese because the cherry blossom is national flower of Japan. so, Japanese are very happy in this season.

Cherry blossom tunnel

5th April 2009, Kisozakikawa bank in Mie Japan: the road have about three miles to the river bank. the road is between the cherry blossom trees. so, the road looks like cherry blossom tunnel. many people like to driving to Hamami through the road. there was very beautiful place.

Miss girls are happy in the spring featival

5th April 2009, spring festival in Yatomi city Aichi Japan: those beautiful girls were very happy in the spring festival. one Miss of yatomi city on the left, one Miss of Yatomi gold-fish on the right because the glod-fish is very famous in Yatomi city in Japan. there have so many glod-fish cultivation ground and shop.

Miss girls are happy in the cherry blossom

5th April 2009, the Miss of Yatomi city Aichi in Japan: These two girls were chosen as the beautiful girl this year because the beautiful girl was chosen as [Yatomi] city every year. they very happiness in the spring festival and very happy in the cherry blossom. the photo by Akiko.


Peach garden world

The peach garden is make you feel toward the perfect world. Arcadia world.
that is wonderful future of you.

Kyoto Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace is not usually open for to visit, if you want to inside to visit you have to make reservation before. but this year is especial open a week of the Emperor. this opening to the public : in commemoration of Emperor and Empress [gokekkonmi] 50 years.

Geisha girl happy in cherry blossoms

29th March 2009,Kyoto Imperial Gardens: the geisha girls was so happy in the cherry blossoms. they really enjoyed this cherry blossoms season. every people wish happy life. like wonderful flower.
the photo by akiko.

Cherry blossom

The national flower, that is most beloved by the Japanese people and that symbolizes Japan is the cherry blossom. the drooping cherry blossoms in the sunshine, it was in the Kyoto Imperial Garden in 29 Mar. it is symbol of cherry blossoms in this garden. so many people came to the place to see the flower in this season in Japan. every people love the flower. it is very beautiful. I love it too. the photo is by me.


The daffodils poem

Fair Daffodils, we weep to see
You haste away so soon;
As yet the early-rising Sun
Has not attain'd his noon.
Stay, stay,
Until the hasting day
Has run
But to the even-song;
And, having pray'd together, we
Will go with you along.

We have short time to stay, as you,
We have as short a Sprin;
As you, or any thing.
We die,
As your hours do, and dry
Like to the Summer's rain;
Or as the pearls of morning's dew
Ne'er to be found again.

this poem is by Robert Herrick.

I like daffodils, this daffodils photo's from my garden.

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